Garcinia kola, is found in moist forest and grows as a medium size tree, up to 12 m high. It is cultivated and distributed throughout west and central Africa. Medicinal uses include,purgative, antiparasitic, antimicrobial. The seeds are used in the treatment of bronchitis and throat infections. They are also used to prevent and relieve colic, cure head or chest colds and relieve cough. Also the plant is used for the treatment of liver disorders and as a chewing stick.
The constituents include—biflavonoids, xanthones and benzophenones. The antimicrobial properties of this plant are attributed to the benzophenone, flavanones. This plant has shown both anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Studies show very good antimicrobial and antiviral properties. In addition, the plant possesses antidiabetic, and antihepatotoxic activities.
The Power of Fiber
Fiber is only available from foods of plant root. Not too long ago fiber was thought to serve no useful purpose,
in any way inside the body, but now we know that fibre performs some very significant purposes in our diet which helps to preserve our healthiness. The main element of fiber is non-starch polysaccharides. The normal
consumption of fiber is in the actual food form but you will be able to also get fibre into your system via
Insoluble fiber
In practical terms this means that it is easier to go to the toilet, and that the food passes slowly enough
through your system for the nutrients to be absorbed. It binds with water in various ways, impacting bowel
function (by adding bulk to BMs) and delaying gastric discharging. Insoluble fibre is found in whole wheat bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, vegetables - particularly beans, peas and lentils - nuts and dried fruit.
Soluble fiber
Soluble fiber can help cut down cravings. Foods that are high in soluble fiber can take longer to eat, which in
turn step-ups the feeling of ‘fullness’ after a meal. Soluble fibre also slows the release of glucose into the
blood stream. It also binds cholesterol to the BMs, consequently, getting down blood cholesterol levels. It
slackens the breakdown of complex carbohydrates.
Soluble fibre is found in oats, barley, rye, pulses and fruit.
Benefits of fiber
• Food high in fiber is digested more slowly and, therefore, glucose may be released more slowly.
• Foods high in fiber can take longer to consume, increasing the feeling of fullness after a meal, and so help
weight control.
• A high fiber intake can increase the good bacteria population.
• Bacteria in the colon can break down fiber, making an acidic environment that diminishes the gamble of
developing colorectal cancer.
• Fiber keeps the intestinal wall clean and brings down the likelihood of acquiring diverticulitis.
• Fiber bulks up stools and so cuts back irregularity.
Disadvantages of fiber
If you already have diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. You may not benefit from an
increase in fiber, as this can physically worsen the existing troubles. Fiber can bond with many minerals some
which help and some that block such as iron which can reduce and even cease the absorption method of iron into the body which can cause sleepiness which commonly leads to poor concentration levels and duration.
Although fibre has its downsides there are, as shown, a multitude of ways in which it helps your metabolism, weight and can also cut gas, the puffy feeling and solidify your stools. If you prefer not to actual consume fiber foods you will be able to, however, take supplements in two forms: pill form, this, like many supplements of its kind, usually holds your suggested daily allowance of fiber and should commonly be taken with food. The second way is the new powder form which you add to water which is almost tasteless. Both are available in your local supermarket but any physician would advice you to actuly eat the foods rather then take the shortcuts.
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